Change of Film Cinema Paradiso is new selection after viewing and reviewing 'August Lunch' and finding it too unseasobale for words!
Trailor for 'Cinema Paridiso is linked here
Sei appena arrivato a Bristol o stai per trasferirti nella nostra citta'? Dacci un colpo di telefono +44-7870-185116 o scrivici a e cosi' potremo farti conoscere delle altre persone che sono inammorate della vita e della cultura italiana!
Thinking of learning more Italian? Domenico Sciarrone is starting new courses in September in North View, Westbury park
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FOLLOW US ON TWITTER @brisitalians .
Meetings are at WESTBURY FIELDS RETIREMENT VILLAGE, Cricket Lane Entrance each 2nd Tuesday of the months October to May, at 7pm for conversation and a drink followed by the speaker at 7.30 p.m. Guest fee £5.00