Sunday, 11 March 2018

Tuesday March 13th Westbury Fields

BENVENUTO ******STOP PRESS***** David Grech's talk 'Italy without a Camera' Tuesday March 13th meeting at Westbury Fields


February's meeting with Gordon Young at Clifton, thanks to C.H.I.S was most enjoyable. We are thinking of asking Gordon possibly to give us all filmshow next year

January's on Murder, Mussolini and Memory with Amy King was a thought provoking insight in darker aspects of Italian 20th Century history much appreciated for members.

Sei appena arrivato a Bristol o stai per trasferirti nella nostra citta'? Dacci un colpo di telefono +44-7870-185116 o scrivici a e cosi' potremo farti conoscere delle altre persone che sono inammorate della vita e della cultura italiana!

Meetings are at WESTBURY FIELDS RETIREMENT VILLAGE, Cricket Lane Entrance each 2nd Tuesday of the months October to May, at 7pm for conversation and a drink followed by the speaker at 7.30 p.m. Guest fee £5.00