Wednesday, 11 October 2017

Benvenuto - Twinning with an Italian City

24th PROGRAMME 2017-18 
NEXT MEETING - Anne Scicluna  Tuesday 14th November  at 7.30 Westbury Fields
Twinning with an Italian City: the case of Ravenna and Chichester
Ravenna was originally the capital of the Western Roman Empire, and is famed for its marvelous mosaics. Chichester twinned with Ravenna twenty years ago, since which time exchanges have taken place every year and firm friendships made, as well as links developing between local organisations and schools in each city.

Richard Henderson is again in 2018 leading small group tours to Italy: Mantua and Verona  27th June -1st July ¦ Palladio,Mantegna and Puccini,for details and booking.
David Bruce opened the season with his talk on 'Italian walled Towns and Walled Towns in Italy'on 10th Octobers see presentation and more at 
Sei appena arrivato a Bristol o stai per trasferirti nella nostra citta'? Dacci un colpo di telefono +44-7870-185116 o scrivici a e cosi' potremo farti conoscere delle altre persone che sono inammorate della vita e della cultura italiana!
Thinking of learning more Italian? Domenico Sciarrone is starting new courses in September in North View, Westbury park
FOLLOW US ON TWITTER @brisitalians .

Meetings are at WESTBURY FIELDS RETIREMENT VILLAGE, Cricket Lane Entrance each 2nd Tuesday of the months October to May, at 7pm for conversation and a drink followed by the speaker at 7.30 p.m. Guest fee £5.00